Internships are the best way to integrate the professional experience into the academic program. Political Science alumni frequently remember internships as pivotal experiences in their career paths. Our students have interned at the White House, on Capitol Hill, and for political campaigns, think tanks and nonprofits. Go to our Fall 2024 Internship Spotlight page to learn more about student internships through the Political Science Department.
Political science majors with junior credit standing may complete internships for credit (PSC 2987). No more than three credits of PSC 2987 may be counted toward the major requirements.
"Over the summer I interned with the World Wildlife Fund Oceans Department working on both domestic and international policy. We worked closely with Congress and the World Trade Organization to reduce the plague of illegal fishing and impose stricter penalties on the import of endangered species."
Anthony Tusino,
BA '18
Sample Internship Sites
For more ideas and opportunities, visit GW Career Services.
- Think Tank Internships
- American Enterprise Institute
- American Foreign Policy Council
- Atlantic Council
- Brookings Institution
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- CATO Institute
- Center for Global Development
- Center for New American Security
- Center for Strategic and International Studies
- The Fund for Peace
- The Henry L. Stimson Center
- The Heritage Foundation
- Human Rights Watch
- Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy
- Institute for Policy Studies
- InterAction
- National Endowment for Democracy
- The National Security Archive at George Washington University
- United States Institute of Peace
- Washington Institute for Near East Policy
- Government Internships
- Agency for International Development
- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
- Congressional Budget Office
- Department of Education
- Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Department of State
- Federal Communications Commission
- Millennium Challenge Corporation
- US House of Representatives
- US Senate
- White House Office of Administration
- NGO Internships
- Amnesty International
- Children’s Defense Fund
- Democratic National Committee
- Greenpeace USA
- Mercy Corps
- National Organizational for Women
- Oxfam America
- Precision Network
- Republican National Committee
Have you had a rewarding internship? Let us know and we'll add it to the list! Email us at [email protected].
- Declared PSC major.
- Junior standing (60+ completed credits). If you have not completed 60 credits, look into CCAS 2154.
- Obtain a confirmed internship position involving substantive political science research and work (you need your supervisor's confirmation to enroll in PSC 2987).
- Determine how many credits of PSC 2987 you'd like to enroll in (1 credit requires 75 hours interning over the semester- an average of 5+/week over 15 weeks; 2 credits requires 150 hours- 10+/week; 3 credits requires 225 hours- 15+/week).
- Familiarize yourself with the PSC 2987 syllabus. Note that to receive credit for your internship, you must complete both your internship hours, and PSC 2987 assignments.
- Complete PSC 2987 enrollment paperwork before the end of the 5th week of classes.
To request enrollment in PSC 2987, complete the following:
- Internship Credit Enrollment Request. AFTER securing an internship, use the link here to fill out details about your internship. On the first page, enter your gwu email, and the email of your internship supervisor (your supervisor on the hill, for example, not a GWU person). Once you complete required fields, the form will route to your internship supervisor for signature. After they sign, you, your internship supervisor, and Dr. Bauer will receive a copy.
- Once you receive notification that your supervisor has signed your Internship Enrollment Request, fill out an RTF form here. Be sure to look up the correct CRN for the course. Once Dr. Bauer signs, you'll receive a copy in your inbox- send the approved RTF to CCAS advising for processing.
- Ensure that you are enrolled in PSC 2987- check your degreemap, and access to the Blackboard course (once the semester starts).
Once enrolled, students will complete a range of assignments related to their internship: discussion boards, professional development activities, and evaluations of their internship. Full details on the assignments and requirements are available in the PSC 2987 syllabus.
Questions? Contact Dr. Bauer, the PSC Internship Supervisor, at [email protected].
Internship Reflection Videos
- Emma Khodaverdian, Jasper Advisors Internship
- Maras Lawson, Office of Representative Strickland Internship
- Darianny Bautista, Office of Senator Booker Internship
“I researched ex-felons for the Civil Rights Enforcement Agency in St. Louis. ... I interviewed nonprofits, reporters and government officials. At the end, I composed a report that was reviewed by city officials.”
Emily Bauwens
BA '21