Full-Time Faculty

Nicholas Anderson

Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Great power politics, military intervention and territorial expansion, conventional military operations, and East Asian international relations

Celeste Arrington

Korea Foundation Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

South Korea, Japan, North Korea, state-society relations, law and society, media and politics, Northeast Asian security

(202) 994-6601
Steven J. Balla

Associate Professor of Political Science, Public Policy and Public Administration, and International Affairs; Co-Director, George Washington Regulatory Studies Center

U.S. Politics; Executive and Legislative Branch; Interest Groups; State Politics; Technology; Public Policy; Quantitative Empirical Methods; Chinese Politics

(202) 994-4811
Monroe Hall 475
Michael N. Barnett

University Professor of International Affairs and Political Science

Middle East; humanitarianism; international affairs; international organizations

(202) 994-9301
1957 E St. 605A
Brandon Bartels

Professor of Political Science

American politics, judicial politics, and political methodology

(202) 994-6564
Nicole Bartels

Teaching Assistant Professor of Political Science

American politics with a concentration on race, gender, ethnicity, and the legislative branch

Monroe Hall 424
Kelly Bauer

Associate Professor of Political Science

Latin America, Indigenous rights, neoliberalism, migration, social movements, governance, political science pedagogy

Robert Betz

Visiting Professor of Political Science

Visiting Professor of Political Science who specializes in Public Policy

Sarah A. Binder

Professor of Political Science

Congress, American political development, political parties

(202) 994-2167
Monroe Hall 467
Alasdair Bowie

Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Comparative political economy, development, Southeast Asia

(202) 994-7370
Michael E. Brown

Professor of International Affairs and Political Science

International security, conflict and conflict resolution, U.S. foreign and defense policy

(202) 994-1807
Nathan J. Brown

Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Government and politics of the Middle East, democratization and constitutionalism, rule of law in the Arab world

(202) 994-2123
Monroe Hall 469
Alicia Cooperman

Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Local and global challenges in water politics and policy, political economy of development, civil society and accountability, climate change

Monroe Hall 412
Ingrid Creppell

Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Identity, ideas of enmity and conflict, origins of toleration and liberalism, early modern and modern political thought

(202) 994-4106
Adam Dean

Associate Professor of Political Science

International Trade, Labor Politics, American Political Development

Bruce J. Dickson

Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Chinese domestic politics, East Asian politics, political change and democratization, general comparative politics, U.S.-China relations

(202) 994-4186
Jeffrey Ding

Assistant Professor of Political Science

Technology and the rise and fall of great powers, political economy of innovation, China's scientific & tech capabilities, tech and international security

Monroe Hall 408
Alexander B. Downes

Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

International security, civilian victimization and civilian casualties in war, foreign-imposed regime change

(202) 734-0026
Harvey B. Feigenbaum

Professor of Political Science

Political economy of Western Europe, political economy of France

(202) 994-9356
Martha Finnemore

University Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

International organizations, organization theory, and ethics in international affairs

(202) 994-6290
Omar García-Ponce

Assistant Professor of Political Science

Political economy of development; political violence; organized crime; political behavior; Latin American politics

(202) 994-7591
Samuel Goldman

Associate Professor of Political Science

Political theory, religion and politics, political theology, and conservative political thought

Monroe Hall 476
Eric Grynaviski

Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

International organization, social theories of international politics, international security, cold war, arms control, and international ethics

(202) 994-1119
Henry E. Hale

Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Ethnic politics, federalism, democratization, political parties, politics of Eurasia (esp. Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia)

(202) 994-4810
Michael Hankinson

Assistant Professor of Political Science

 American politics, political behavior, public opinion, state and local politics, public policy, inequality

Danny Hayes

Professor of Political Science

American politics, political behavior, media and politics

Monroe Hall 466
Stephen B. Kaplan

Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Political economy of global markets and development, Latin American politics

(202) 994-6680
Monroe Hall 470
Eric Kramon

Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Political economy of development in Africa; vote buying, clientelism, and violence during elections; political/institutional determinants of public welfare

Monroe Hall 472
Eric D. Lawrence

Chair and Associate Professor of Political Science

Congress, public policy, methodology

(202) 994-4826
James H. Lebovic

Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

International relations, national and international security, and methodology

(202) 994-7495
Quinn Lester

Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science

Democratic Theory and Police Studies

Janet I. Lewis

Associate Professor of Political Science

Political violence; ethnic conflict; state formation; Africa

Monroe Hall 419
Yonatan Lupu

Associate Professor of Political Science

International law and institutions, international conflict, human rights, courts, networks

(202) 994-2125
Marc Lynch

Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Arab media and public opinion, Islamist movements, constructivism in international relations, public diplomacy

(202) 994-5291
Forrest Maltzman

Professor of Political Science

Judicial politics, Congress, American national government

(202) 994-5821
Cynthia McClintock

Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Latin American politics, U.S. policy towards Latin America

(202) 994-6589
Rachel Metz

Assistant Professor of Political Science

International security, security assistance, military effectiveness, nuclear strategy, the organizational and bureaucratic drivers of defense policy

Michael Miller

Professor of Political Science

Democratization and the causes and consequences of autocratic elections, formal and quantitative methodology, and political economy

(202) 994-7582
Monroe Hall 415
Mike Mochizuki

Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Japanese politics and foreign policy, U.S.-Japan relations, East Asian security

(202) 994-7074
1957 E St. 501
Kimberly J. Morgan

Professor of Political Science Director, European and Eurasian Studies Program

Comparative politics, European politics

(202) 994-2809
Harris Mylonas

Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Processes of nation- and state-building, the politicization of cultural differences, immigrant and refugee integration policies, and institutional change

Monroe Hall 403
Ethan Porter

Associate Professor of Media and Public Affairs and of Political Science

American politics, political behavior, political communication

MPA 424
Lucia M. Rafanelli

Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Political theory; contemporary political theory; ethics and international affairs; theories of human rights and global justice; collective agency and collective

(202) 994-2520
David Shambaugh

Gaston Sigur Professor of Asian Studies, Political Science, & International Affairs

China's domestic politics; China's foreign relations; China's military and security; and international relations of Asia

(202) 994-5887
Jasmine Smith

Assistant Professor of Political Science

Jasmine Smith's areas of expertise include behavior and identities, and race and ethnic politics.

Monroe Hall 440
Robert P. Stoker

Professor of Political Science, Public Policy, and Public Administration

Public policy analysis, social policy

(202) 994-5831
David Szakonyi

Associate Professor of Political Science

Political economy; business-government relations; post-Soviet politics; corruption; authoritarianism; clientelism

(202) 994-9231
Emmanuel J. Teitelbaum

Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Comparative politics, South Asian politics, political economy of development, political economy of labor

(202) 994-9125
Andrew Ifedapo Thompson

Assistant Professor of Political Science

American politics, political psychology, public opinion, race and politics, experimental methods

(202) 994-1559
Paul J. Wahlbeck

Professor of Political Science and Dean of Columbian College of Arts and Sciences

Paul Wahlbeck is political science professor and dean of the GW Columbian College. His specialities include judicial politics, constitutional law & methodology.

(202) 994-6130
Julian Wamble

Assistant Professor of Political Science

American Politics, race and politics, political psychology, political behavior, voting behavior, experimental and survey methods

Monroe Hall 468
Christopher Warshaw

Professor of Political Science

American politics, representation, public opinion, state and local politics, environmental politics and policy, and statistical methodology

Monroe Hall 471
Sharon L. Wolchik

Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Central and East European politics and policy making, comparative politics of Central/Eastern Europe

(202) 994-7524
1957 E St. 412