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Department Newsletter



Sent exclusively to alumni, the Political Science Department newsletter features alumni and department updates, as well as event information. If you are one of our alumni, update your contact information with the GW Office of Alumni Relations to start receiving this and other exclusive alumni benefits. And don’t forget to send an email to the department with your life updates for future newsletters.

Latest issues:

Fall 2022Fall 2021Summer 2021 (PDF)Fall 2020 (PDF)Summer 2020 (PDF)


Political Science Making Headlines


Preserving the Presidency: A Conversation with Lindsay Chervinsky

Lindsay Chervinsky, BA '10 in Political Science and History, is a renowned presidential historian and the executive director of the George Washington Presidential Library.

CCAS Dean with Professor Christopher Warshaw

In Video: Our Democracy at Work

CCAS Dean Paul Wahlbeck in discussion with Political Science Professor Christopher Warshaw.

Nate O Brien

Revolutionary Tales: Senior Nate O’Brien Champions Voting and Civic Engagement

GW Votes program assistant Nate O'Brien, a sociology and political science major, is dedicated to ensuring the GW community is informed and ready to vote.

Paul Wahlbeck and Sarah Binder

Will Economic Factors Break the Bank for Candidates?

A panel of CCAS faculty experts including Sarah Binder explored the economic stakes in the upcoming presidential election—and whether partisanship trumps pocketbooks for today’s voters.

Undergrads at Elliot School

Not Just a Number: GW Students Amplify Voices of Ukrainian Refugees and NGOs

Undergraduates Nataliya Layer, Lydia Miller, Liana Moldovanu and Anja Ree spent six weeks in Eastern Europe documenting the human toll of war through personal narratives.


How this first-time voter is helping other students get registered

A George Washington University student credits her Yonkers upbringing with fueling a passion for civic engagement.