Jack Santucci

Jack Santucci is a part-time faculty member whose current work focuses on the roles of political discontent and federalism in defining the U.S. party coalitions. His earlier work includes More Parties or No Parties: The Politics of Electoral Reform in America (2022, Oxford University Press), several journal articles on parties-and-elections issues, and a chapter in the recent APSA Political Parties Task Force Report on proportional representation for federal elections.
Ph.D. Government, Georgetown University; M.A. Government, Georgetown University; B.A. Political Science, McGill University
He is the author of More Parties or No Parties: The Politics of Electoral Reform in America (Oxford, 2022), co-author of "Toward a Different Type of Party Government: Proportional Representation for Federal Elections" (APSA Task Force Report on Political Parties, 2023), and several journal articles on parties-and-elections issues.
Public Opinion, State & Urban Politics, American Populism