Janet I. Lewis

Janet I. Lewis

Janet I. Lewis

Associate Professor of Political Science




Political violence; intergroup conflict; migration; state formation; Africa

Professor Lewis's book, "How Insurgency Begins: Rebel Group Formation in Uganda and Beyond," was published in 2020 (Cambridge University Press, Studies in Comparative Politics Series). It examines why and how rebel groups form, with a focus on why many groups fail in the early stages, and what ethnicity has to do with it. The book was honored with three Book of Year Awards: from the International Studies Association, from the Conflict Research Society, and from the African Politics section of the American Political Science Association (APSA). It also received the Honorable Mention for the Giovanni Sartori Award from the Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research section of APSA, and was recommended as a top book of 2020 at the online magazine Political Violence @ A Glance.

Along with continuing research on armed conflict, her current research seeks to understand the social processes of prejudice reduction, especially how information, attitudes, and beliefs travel through word-of-mouth networks in rural communities.

PSC 2381 - Comparative Politics of Africa

PSC 3192W - Political Violence

PSC 3500 - Social Networks in Politics and Conflict

PSC 8109 - Dissertation Prospectus Workshop

PSC 8288 - Political Violence

Ph.D., M.A. in Government, Harvard University

M.A. in International Policy Studies; B.A. (with honors) in Political Science, Stanford University