Brandon Bartels

Brandon Bartels
Professor of Political Science
My research and teaching interests center on American politics, judicial politics, the U.S. Supreme Court, public perceptions of law and courts, and institutional legitimacy. My work has appeared in the American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, Public Opinion Quarterly, and other outlets. My research has also been supported by the National Science Foundation. My book with Christopher D. Johnston, Curbing the Court: Why the Public Constrains Judicial Independence, is out now from Cambridge University Press.
American politics; judicial politics; U.S. Supreme Court; public opinion; research methods
Current projects include: (1) a study of Supreme Court polarization and its consequences (funded by NSF), (2) a study of public reactions to the Kenyan Supreme Court’s invalidation of August 2017 presidential election (with Jeremy Horowitz and Eric Kramon) (funded by NSF), and (3) continuing research on judicial politics, from both institutional and public opinion perspectives. I teach undergraduate courses in judicial politics, methodology, and constitutional law, and graduate courses in judicial politics and political methodology.
PSC 3192W - Supreme Court Decision Making
PSC 6114 - Theories of Judicial Review
PSC 8124 - Multilevel Modeling
PSC 8109 - Dissertation Development Workshop