Peter Reddaway

Peter Reddaway
Professor Emeritus of Political Science and International Affairs
Professor Peter Reddaway was a British-American historian and political scientist. He received his B.A. and M.A. degrees from Cambridge University and did graduate work at Harvard and Moscow Universities and the London School of Economics. Before joining GW in January 1989, he taught at the London School of Economics and then directed the Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies. Reddaway was also a member of the Estonian International Commission for Investigation of Crimes Against Humanity. In 2002, the President of the Republic of Estonia bestowed Reddaway with the Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana II Class. He passed on July 29, 2024. Read more about Professor Reddaway's life here.
Uncensored Russia: The Human Rights Movement in the USSR (1972)
Psychiatric Terror: How Soviet Psychiatry is Used to Suppress Dissent (with S. Bloch, 1977)
Soviet Psychiatric Abuse (with S. Bloch, 1984), Authority, Power and Policy in the USSR (ed. with T.H. Rigby and A. Brown, 1980)
The Tragedy of Russia's Reforms: Market Bolshevism Against Democracy (with D.Glinski, 2001)
The Dynamics of Russian Politics: Putin's Reform of Federal-Regional Relations (with R. Orttung, vol. 1, 2003, vol. 2 due in 2004).