Jittip Mongkolnchaiarunya

Jittip Mongkolnchaiarunya

Jittip Mongkolnchaiarunya


Major — International Relations

Minor — Research Methods

Jittip Mongkolnchaiarunya is a Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science at GWU. Her dissertation investigates the politics of global environmental governance. Using a combination of genealogical and network analyses, the dissertation uncovers how credibility capitalism excludes the Global South and other marginalized standpoints from climate science and showcases its negative repercussions.

She has side projects on the curse of centrality, the symbolic interactionist micro-foundations in strategic ambiguity, and the problem of interpretive ambiguity for rhetorical entrapment.

Prior to coming to GWU, Jittip received her MA in International Affairs from Columbia University and her BA from Thammasat University. She is the recipient of the Anandamahidol Foundation Scholarship under H.M. the King of Thailand (2015-2021).

Global Governance; Environmental Politics; Politics of Expertise and Technology