Kelly Bauer

Dr. Kelly Bauer specializes in identity and development politics in Latin America. Her research explores how states govern national identity as global trends challenge understandings of state sovereignty; recent work explored Indigenous rights and irregular migration. Her first book, Negotiating Autonomy: Mapuche Territorial Demands and Chilean Land Policy (2021), explored inconsistencies in how Chilean state officials navigated extending elite and neoliberal governance and citizenship through Indigenous land policy. Other work appears in the Journal of Agrarian Change, NACLA, Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, and Canadian Journal of Development Studies /Revue canadienne d’études du développement. Her research has been externally funded by the U.S. Fulbright Program, Inter-American Foundation’s Grassroots Development Fellowship, and APSA Centennial Center.
Her writing on higher education politics, political science pedagogy, and teaching careers recently appeared in the Journal of Political Science Education, New Political Science, Iberoamericana, Political Science Educator, and Strategies for Navigating Graduate School and Beyond.
Dr. Bauer earned a BA from Carthage College and PhD from George Washington University. Before joining GWU, she was an associate professor and chair of the political science department at Nebraska Wesleyan University, where her work was recognized with the Forum Committee’s Faculty Scholarship Award Presentation Award, Faculty Scholar Award, and the Margaret J. Prouty Faculty Teaching Award. She is a member of the Red De Politólogas – #NoSinMujeres, and has served on Fulbright National Selection Committees.
Education: BA Carthage College, PhD George Washington University
2022 “Untangling Elite Opposition to Indigenous Rights.” NACLA — Report on the Americas 54(4): 430-437.
2022 “Reflexiones sobre la pedagogía feminista, la rabia, y las prácticas de autoconservación en la universidad pandémica,” with Jael Goldsmith Weil, Jennifer Cyr, Lucía Miranda Leibe, Gustavo Valenzuela, Pilar Arcidiácono, Luisina Perelmiter, Elisa Rivera. Iberoamericana 22(80): 209-242.
2022 “More than Reordering the Cover Letter: Preparing for Careers at Small Liberal Arts Colleges,” with Shamira Gelbman, and “Making a Statement: Research, Teaching, and Diversity Statements for the Academic Job Market,” with Colin M. Brown, Melissa L. Sands, and Maricruz Ariana Osorio, in Strategies for Navigating Graduate School and Beyond, edited by Kevin G. Lorentz II, Dan Mallinson, Julia Marin Hellwege, Davin Phoenix, and J. Cherie Strachan.
2021 “Research Design as Professional Development and Empowerment: Equipping Students to See, Analyze, and Intervene in Political Realities,” in Pedagogy Through the Research Process, edited by Daniel J. Mallinson, Julia Marin Hellwege, and Eric D. Loepp, Palgrave.
2021 “Scaffolding Research Methods Across the Curriculum: An Exploration of Embedded Curricular Design,” with Kelly Clancy, in Teaching Research Methods in Political Science, edited by Jeffrey L. Bernstein, Edward Elgar Publishers.
2021 “Re-imaginando diversidad en la academia, en tiempos de activismo feminista y pandemia,” with Jael Goldsmith Weil. POLIS Revista Latinoamericana.
2021 Negotiating Autonomy: Mapuche Territorial Demands and Chilean Land Policy. University of Pittsburgh Press.
2021 “Extending and Restricting the Right to Regularisation: Lessons from South America.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47(19): 4497-4514.
2021 “Politics of Expertise and Blame during COVID-19 Quarantine in Chile,” with Claudio Villalobos. Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies 4 (3): 65-76.
2021 “Surpassing the Wall of Nebraska Nice: An analysis of trends and justifications of immigration rhetoric within Nebraska journalism,” with Samantha Redfern, Hyeonju Wang, Sienna Woo. Great Plains Research 31(1): 57-73.
2020 “Political Contestation within the Human Security Paradigm: The State and Indigenous Rights in Peru and Chile,” with Lauren Marie Balasco. Canadian Journal of Development Studies/ Revue canadienne d’études du développement 41 (4): 561-579.
2018 “Not-So-Neoliberal Governance: Chile’s Response to Mapuche Territorial Demands,” Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies 13 (3): 214-236.
2018 “Teaching Race and Social Justice at a Predominantly White Institution,” with Kelly Clancy. Journal of Political Science Education 14 (1): 72-85.
2016 “Land versus Territory: Evaluating Indigenous Land Policy for the Mapuche in Chile.” Journal of Agrarian Change 16 (4): 627–645.