Nicholas Anderson

Nicholas Anderson

Nicholas Anderson

Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs



Nicholas Anderson is an Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs at The George Washington University. His research and teaching interests include great power politics, military intervention and territorial expansion, conventional military operations, and East Asian international relations. His first book, Inadvertent Expansion: How Peripheral Agents Change World Politics, will be published by Cornell University Press in 2025. His research and other writings have also been published in journals such as International Security, International Interactions, Political Science Quarterly, The Washington Quarterly, Strategic Studies Quarterly, the Australian Journal of International Affairs, and International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, among other outlets. He previously had fellowships at the Institute for Security and Conflict Studies at the Elliott School of International Affairs, the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School, the MacMillan Center Program on Japanese Politics and Diplomacy at Yale University, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. He received a Ph.D. in political science from Yale University.

IAFF 6101: International Affairs Cornerstone

IAFF 6186: Cyberspace, Conflict and War

IAFF 6186: Great Power Competition

IAFF 6186: The Analysis of Military Operations